Vestkysten App

Vestkysten App

Photo: Vadehavskysten

Download VESTKYSTEN app that guides you to experiences, information and accommodation during your holiday.

VESTKYSTEN app guides you to experiences along the West Coast

This app is your personal travel guide that makes it easy to find the most scenic nature, white sandy beaches, exciting museums and cozy accommodations on your holiday on the West Coast. The app inspires and shows the way to different routes and sights and gives you the practical information you need.

VESTKYSTEN app has been developed in collaboration with VisitDenmark, Dansk Kyst- og Naturturisme, Destination Nordvestkysten, Destination Vesterhavet and Destination Vadehavskysten.


Download VESTKYSTEN app on the APP Store or Google Play.

App Store | Vestkysten app

Google Play | Vestkyst App