Historiske ripensere | Vadehavskysten

Historiske ripensere

Photo: Vadehavskysten

Læs blandt andet om Dronning Dagmar der i 1205 blev viet til Kong Valdemar Sejr og kom derpå til Ribe. Parret boede på Riberhus Slot på Slotsbanken.

Memorial to Maren Spliid in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to Maren Spliid in Ribe

In Sønderportsgade 3, where Tailor Laurids Spliid and his wife Maren lived, one can see today the memorial plaque for Maren Spliid.

Statue of Queen Dagmar in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Statue of Queen Dagmar in Ribe

Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen's statue of Queen Dagmar, 1913, the statue stands on Slotsbanken in Ribe.

Statue of Bishop Hans Tausen in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Statue of Bishop Hans Tausen in Ribe

Johannes Bjerg's Statue of the Theologian Hans Tausen, 1942.

Statue of Bishop Hans Adolf Brorson in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Statue of Bishop Hans Adolf Brorson in Ribe

August Saabyes bronze statue of Hans Adolf Brorson, 1895.

Bronze bust of politician H. A. Krüger in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Bronze bust of politician H. A. Krüger in Ribe

The story of politician Hans Andersen Krüger is the story of being Slesviger, Sønderjyde and Danes.

Memorial to the prefekt Werner Jasper Andreas Moltke in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to the prefekt Werner Jasper Andreas Moltke in Ribe

Memorial stone for the lord and prefekt of Ribe, Werner Jasper Andreas Moltke
