Buste af Jacob A. Riis | Ribe | Vadehavskysten

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Photo: Vadehavskysten

Læs blandt andet om Jacob A. Riis, der ung og ulykkeligt forelsket forlod sin fødeby Ribe med kurs mod Amerika og drømmen om et nyt, rigt liv.

Buste af journalist and photographer Jacob A. Riis i Ribe
Photo: Sydvestjyske Museer

Buste af journalist and photographer Jacob A. Riis i Ribe

Journalist, social reformist and documentary photographer Jacob A. Riis, who was called "New York's Most Useful Citizen" by President Roosevelt.

Cenotaph for Poet Ambrosius Stub in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Cenotaph for Poet Ambrosius Stub in Ribe

Ambrosius Stub was a Danish poet and lived in Ribe from 1752 to 1758.

Memorial to historian Anders Sørensen Vedel in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to historian Anders Sørensen Vedel in Ribe

Commemorating the historian Anders Sørensen Vedel 1542-1616.

Memorial to composer Rued Langgaard in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to composer Rued Langgaard in Ribe

A memorial in Ribe of the composer Rued Langgaard, born in Copenhagen on July 28, 1893.

Memorial to dramatist and author Kjeld Abell in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to dramatist and author Kjeld Abell in Ribe

Kjeld Abell was a known dramatist and writer. He was born in Ribe the 25th of August 1901.

Memorial to poet Anders Christensen Bording in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to poet Anders Christensen Bording in Ribe

Anders Christensen Bording He was a Danish poet and journalist. He was born in Ribe on the 21st of January 1619.

Memorial to composer Oluf Ring in Ribe
Photo: Destination Vadehavskysten

Memorial to composer Oluf Ring in Ribe

Oluf Ring - known composer. Born in Jelling the 24th of December 1884. In 1901 he decided to study to become a teacher and in 1905 he graduated.
