Bent Madsen, Brugsen Fanø

Meet Bent from Fanø

Photo: Vadehavskysten

Bent lives on Fanø and is a utility distributor in SuperBrugsen Nordby. He has been here for 25 years and he has seen a positive development of the island over time, with more guests visiting Fanø. And he understands why guests come to the island.

We have fantastic nature over here, here you can de-stress We don't have a big fairground and clown show, but we can do everything else - both in summer and in winter.

It only takes 12 minutes by ferry from Esbjerg to Fanø, after which you will experience a great contrast from the life of the big city to wide sandy beaches and small cozy towns with the special Fanø houses.

I love all seasons on Fanø. In winter there are not many people, in spring everything starts to sprout, in summer there is life and happy days and in autumn it quiets down a bit.

When you take the ferry to Fanø, it's as if your shoulders relax. There is no traffic lights. It is quiet here. It's like sailing to an island does something psychological.

Fanø offers different experiences, depending on the season and Bent mentions how each season has its own charm.

I love all the seasons on Fanø. In the winter there are not many people on Fanø - it is peaceful and nature shows its harsh side, in the spring it all starts to sprout - the restaurants open and things begin. In the summer there is life and happy days - lots of people and lots of life and in autumn it quiets down a bit.
There are still many people here, but mostly on weekends.

You are close to everything - over here you don't need to use the car. You cycle to everything.

On Fanø there are not long distances, which the locals and the guests enjoy. There are many exciting shops on Fanø – in the pedestrian street in Nordby, but also in Sønderho and around the island.

You are close to everything - over here you don't need to use the car. You cycle to everything – into the town, to the restaurants. We have many shops and good restaurants – considering our size. And we have that because of the tourists.

Tourists are important for a small island like Fanø, where both the trade and commerce only exist because of the many visitors in the summer.

We need the tourists. It is in the summer that we earn our money and that means we can have a good trading life over here all year round. It is clear that the seasons have become longer and now guests also come here in January and February.

Fanø is active and many things are happening. There are many people with lots of drive here.

Fanø is full of people who are passionate about the island and who create experiences and events for the island's citizens and guests.

Fanø is active and many things are happening. There are many passionate people here and lots of drive, which we would like to support. We have e.g. a youth festival, where we have sponsored gift cards, and wine and chocolate for the neighbours, so that a good atmosphere is maintained. Several of our young employees will also be involved here, but we have to solve that problem ourselves, he says with a smile on his face.

SuperBrugsen Nordby supports many initiatives on Fanø during the year.

We are also happy about the Kite Festival that is here every year. Many people are part of the festival, but also many one-day tourists. It's a good way of bringing nature into play without leaving anything behind.

When you are on Fanø, you are not far from other experiences and Bent finds that many people take the ferry to Esbjerg to shop.

From Fanø you can take the ferry to Esbjerg and after a few minutes by foot you are in a big city. We see many tourists walking from the ferry towards the city. And if you are into Fanø, you are also into Ribe, which is also a very charming town with lots of stories.