Spis på Fanø

Spisesteder på Fanø

Photo: FlyingOctober

På Fanø finder du gode restauranter og cafeer, stor kærlighed for brugen af lokale fødevarer og kærlighed til god kvalitet.
Med Sønderho Kro, Fanø Krogaard og Kellers Badehotel i spidsen, er der opstået en tradition for gode spisesteder på Fanø.

Alle kan være med. Om du er til burger med kvalitetskød fra Fanø, en sammensat menu med flere serveringer og passende vinmenu eller den særlige egnsret bakskuld er Fanø et godt sted at være.

En væsentlig grund til det høje kvalitetsniveau er, at spisestederne er gode til at bruge lokale varer. Fanø Bryghus er Danmarks bedste af slagsen, og Slagter Christiansen er Danmarks bedste slagter igen i år. Udover disse kan der blandt andet nævnes den højt præmierede Fanø Rom, anerkendte Fanø Laks, Sønderho Gårdbutik, som blandt andet leverer økologiske æg og oksekød til nogle af øens spisesteder, samt Fanø Angus & Merino, som blandt andet leverer angus oksekød til The Burger Boys' sprøde burgere.


Fanø Krogaard
Photo: Fanø Krogaard

Fanø Krogaard

Your home on the other shore - just a 12 minute ferry ride from Esbjerg Harbour - with a view over the Wadden sea and focusing on intimacy, local ingrediens and organics.

Sønderho Kro anno 1722
Photo: Sønderho Kro

Sønderho Kro anno 1722

Sønderho Kro is probably one of the oldest in the country, but our kitchen is at the forefront of the latest gastronomy.

Kellers Seaside Hotel and Dining House - Fanø
Photo: Kellers Badehotel og Spisehus

Kellers Seaside Hotel and Dining House - Fanø

We emphasize good craftsmanship, taste, service and personality and serve food prepared from the best ingredients from the Wadden Sea area.

Rudbecks Fanø
Photo: Rudbecks Fanø

Rudbecks Fanø

We take pride in using the excellent local ingredients from the Wadden Sea National Park, which we with joy & innovation further develop into classic taste experiences that can be enjoyed in our lunch...

Lighthouse Burgers
Photo: Rindby Supermarked

Lighthouse Burgers

Get a nice burger from Lighthouse Burgers right by Rindby Supermarket. Here you can satisfy your hunger, have a barista coffee, shop and eat an ice cream on the way to the beach.

Fanø Bryghus - local Danish brewery
Photo: Fanø Bryghus

Fanø Bryghus - local Danish brewery

Fanø Bryghus makes many beers. A lot of beers. In our Brewers Bar there is the opportunity to taste a good handful of them.

Axel’s Kitchen on Fanø - for the whole family
Photo: Axel's Kitchen

Axel’s Kitchen on Fanø - for the whole family

On Fanø you will find only one restaurant, with a large indoor play area for children. Enjoy a delicious Italian pizza while the children are playing. We make our pizzas with good ingredients from Fan...

HAVEN Fanø, eatery
Photo: Vadehavskysten

HAVEN Fanø, eatery

At HAVEN Fanø you can, among other things, get sandwiches filled with ingredients from local companies such as Fanø Skinke and Fanø Laks.

Restaurant Ambassaden
Photo: Ambassaden Fanø

Restaurant Ambassaden

Restaurant Ambassaden. Here is food prepared from sustainable and organic ingredients


De Tre Søstre (The Three Sisters)

De Tre Søstre - Sønderho's streetfood cafe

Restaurant/Café Fajancen
Photo: Restaurant Fajancen

Restaurant/Café Fajancen

Restaurant/Café Fajancen

Elses Gab
Photo: Elses Gab

Elses Gab

Elses Gab
